In 1948, the Elkridge Rotary Club was formed by a group of local business leaders. Over these years community leaders from various civic organizations, educational institutions, local businesses, charities, churches and other organizations have been members of the Rotary Club of Elkridge.
Lawyers, real estate brokers, accountants, sales people, bankers, engineers and other professionals, both men and women, young and old, have joined our ranks to contribute time, expertise and money to further the goals of Rotary International.
The major goal of Rotary International has been the elimination of Polio from the entire world. Along with the World Health Organization and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation we are almost there. Rotary also has funded many other projects throughout the word: water projects, emergency disaster relief, third world projects, and a myriad of other causes throughout the world.
Rotary International is the only (NGO) non government organization that is a member of the United Nations.
Locally, The Rotary Club of Elkridge Maryland has had over 400 members since its formation in 1948. The club has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars that it has contributed to both local and national charities, local charitable needs and causes.
For more information about Rotary follow this link Rotary website.