What is Expected of Me

Rotary Logo Label


Club membership requires that you attend a minimum of 65% of our dinner meetings, or an hourly equivalent, or a combination. For instance, if you attend or work at some of our events such as the Bull Roast, it is possible to earn 6 or 7 hours of makeup’s (seven meetings) that will be credited to your participation requirements. Makeup’s are easily made at other club meetings, Rotary functions or events and all committee or board meetings. Our attendance requirements are easy to achieve, many club members have perfect attendance each year.


See Schedule for dues
Happy Dollars          voluntary, proceeds to our club
Weekly 50/50           voluntary, proceeds to our club

Activities and Special events such as: ball games, cruises, picnics, club activities are all voluntary and vary in cost. Special events may be billed to you. Please remember that if you sign up for any of these special events you are responsible for the admission charge whether you attend or not, due to club advance purchase.

Normal financial commitment: approximately $800.00 per year


Please explore the lanes of service: Club Service, Community Service, Vocational Service and International Service, and pick one of interest to you to participate in.

Please share with others who would be interested in Rotary and invite them to a meeting.

You can volunteer to take on and lead, or participate in, any of our fundraisers, projects or activities.

Live by the 4 Way Test in your personal and business life.

  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?